You've got the world on a string, but don't lose your balance as the Moon leaves void status and enters Libra (3:13AM PST). There are a number of psychic, emotional or energy black holes that can zap you of vitality throughout the day. Here's why. A Venus-Vesta 150-degree aspect strikes at 11:53AM PST connecting Aquarius to Cancer. This awkward liaison can obscure your vision and understanding when it comes to sensitive business transactions and investments. Don't go overboard based on a hunch! Reinforcing this cosmic tie is a Sun-Juno face-off (3:47PM PST) from Pisces to Gemini. Now the scene shifts to friction between yourself and a significant other. Trying to manipulate someone near and dear to you won't cut the mustard.A nurturing demeanor carries the right message.This higher approach to communication is amplified shortly thereafter when Pallas in Capricorn moves 60 degrees to Uranus in Pisces (4:34PM PST). Ingenious ideas pervade the mental universe. The biggest problem arrives at 11:02PM PST when Jupiter in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius. This tense sky pattern happened on January 27 and repeats on September 24. Some appropriate food for thought regarding this alignment was presented in the entry for March 12. On one hand, some kind of major confusion may be entering your field of vision while a very exalted expansion of consciousness can be happening.It's possible for both of these to co-exist. The key is to be supremely aware of what is going on all around you and to steer clear of making iron-clad agreements until the coast is clear.